
Meet Jason Peter Masters:

Executive, Author, Independent Board Member, Church Leader

Jason Master’s is Managing Director of a boutique management consulting firm focusing on integrity of commercial transactions, an independent board member covering a wide number of industries from financial services, medical regulations, pharmaceutical startups, cemeteries and corporate giving programs.  He also chairs numerous audit and risk committees for government agencies.

He has a Bachelor of Economics (Economics and Computer Science) from Flinders University of South Australia, and is a Fellow and Graduate from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.  He is also a Professional Fellow of the Institute of Internal Auditors (Australia), Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), (ISACA) and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. He previously co-authored the international landmark research book “Computer Security in Australia.”

Born and brought up in Australia, with an academic background in economics and computer science, Jason’s expertise in the business world has flourished over the years, with him travelling and consulting through out the AsiaPacific Region, from India to North America.  Jason wants to share his experiences as an executive who faced inner adversity with a life he was afraid to divulge.

Writing his book – A Journey Towards Acceptance – An Evolving MemoirJason has tapped into his passion as an accidental activist which stems from his desire to help those in need- especially those who suffer prejudice within a minority group.  Coming out as a ‘gay executive’ has been a long and arduous journey.  However, through writing his memoir, Jason exposes how the road to success is to live a life of acceptance by breaking downs stereotypes, crossing boundaries and believing in the fundamental truths of survival.

As an author, Jason shares a story that will not only help executives across the globe, but will empower the youth of today to live a life they were born to have and to own.  As a basketball enthusiast, he inspired his community as a coach. His coaching motto to teenage basketball players is, “You can’t change the past, but you can influence the future,” this motivation eerily returned to himself, for his own healing.

As a leader with his Church he has been a Sunday school teacher, youth leader and elder in his local parishes through to regional, state and national council roles.

Jason the executive and now as a personal story author, hopes to offer a new road map for those who fear the unknown.

His life journey led to his social justice passion being more focused on the needs of the LGBTIQ community in addition to other justice issues, and the work to reintegrate his life as a family, religious and business man.  Needing to find his own unique voice in all of these components of his existence.

Finding our own valid voice is critical to discovering self- love, which has no gender, religion, social status or job description.

‘Coming out’ as an author – and his bravery as a Christian to publish his story – has driven Jason to live a life of acceptance. Fundamentally, for himself and the world around him.